Denise Goldberg's blog

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A taste of summer...

...on a wet and gray spring day

Ah, blueberries! I added strawberries back to my everyday diet quite a while back - as soon as they started showing up in one-quart containers for a relatively decent price. But blueberries seem to be more of a summer treat. Today I decided to treat myself to some fresh blueberries regardless of price. It was a good decision since my usual grocery store had a blueberry special, two (tiny) containers for the price of one. The price? $3.99, which is pretty outrageous for a 1/2 pint but is almost acceptable for two of them given that it's no where near blueberry season!

Blueberries atop a dish of chocolate fudge brownie frozen yogurt. A double treat...

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