It's that time of year, the time when I wander through the photos that I've published during 2024 to find my favorites. It's always an interesting exercise, one that takes time and changes day-to-day until I have made my final choices.
From the beginning of the year, here are my selections.
yellow with a ring of orange
low tide at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
tree nymph
butterfly in motion
a dahlia sharing beauty
autumn color
along a boardwalk to the beach
pine trees standing before faded autumn leaves
quiet water
at Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park
chrysanthemums at Smith College
waves echo clouds
as the tide flows out, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
These photos are collected into the gallery
top photos :: 2024. If you'd like to see larger versions of the photos or you would like to view them as a full screen slideshow, click
here to jump to the gallery, then press the triangle-shaped button at the top.