A cold day greeted me this morning, tempting me with blue skies and gradually warming temperatures. After a quick chat with my bicycles I knew that it needed to be a riding day. A late morning start allowed me to ride in comfortable temperatures - mid 20's, rising to 30 while I was out. (Amazing that I refer to those as comfortable temperatures, isn't it?) Many of the roads were cloaked in wet, sand and salt hiding in the puddles, ready to cling to my bike. I chose the dry roads, staying on the more heavily traveled (but still back) roads in my area, and riding for a little over an hour.
I had a need to wander today, and my short ride didn't satisfy that need. Restless...
Ah, the coast was calling to me. I quickly responded, heading to the short southeastern edge of New Hampshire clad, in warm layers for walking, camera at hand and ready for action. The ocean was quiet today, and sections of the beach glistened with water. Sea gulls walked, wet sand acting as a mirror, reflecting images. Sea gulls flew, blue skies framing their wings. Away from the water, snow showed the art of the wind, drifting over the sand.
Walking along the water, talking to and capturing images of the sea gulls provided smiles, calming my earlier restless feelings.

Even small reflections are magic...

Add a sea gull in motion, and the reflections get even better...
Focus? Yes, I would have been happier with a slight improvement in focus on this shot, but I do like the feeling of flying.

Flying, reflected...

...and walking, with a quick peek back at the photographer (me!)
More photos? Yes, of course there are more. You can see them in my Conversations with birds photo gallery.