Hey... it's my turn to write! Sometimes I need to remind Denise that I like to write too.
We started our wanders today on the other side of the island. I thought we were going to start by hiking the Beech Mountain trail but somehow we ended up on the southern edge of the western half of the island first. We stopped in the Seawall area for a bit, then walked the Ship Harbor nature trail. The trail is two connected loops. We walked the whole second loop but we did one side of the upper loop twice so we could stay by the water. The view at the end of the trail is a nice one; I think that's why we always seem to come back to Ship Harbor. But oh! the trail was underwater in a couple of sections. Luckily there were a few stepping stones that Denise could use to avoid getting very wet feet. I jumped in the camera bag for the wet chunks of trail.
On to Beech Mountain... we tried this trail for the first time back in May, and Denise liked it well enough to head back up again. I had to ride in the camera bag because the trail had a stream running down it, so wet! I guess all of the rain from yesterday is still running off of the mountains. The trail was rocky in places, just dirt in others. We walked down pretty slowly since Denise was trying to make sure she didn't put her feet on a slippery spot. I left the zipper on my riding spot open just a bit so I could see the pretty scenery. I'm going to include a photo from our trip in May so you can sort of see what we saw today (with green showing instead of today's varied colors.
We made a quick stop in Somesville to enjoy the reflections of the clouds in the water, so pretty!
I thought we were going to head up Cadillac Mountain next but we drove right by the road that snakes up the mountain. Denise told me that we needed to stop at Jordan Pond first. She wanted to see it under blue skies instead of yesterday's low clouds that obscured the mountains. There were clouds too, both in the sky and reflecting in the lake. Cool!
Tomorrow we're going to play in the park in the morning before heading for home. It seems like we just arrived, and it's almost time to leave.
--- Rover

A view from the Beech Mountain trail in May
Today there were yellows mixed with the greens.