Denise Goldberg's blog

Friday, February 07, 2025

between storms

Today I took advantage of the calm between snowstorms to walk on the beach at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. While the temperature was pretty warm for a winter day, the wind was howling so much that I felt the chill.

Snow from yesterday's (small) storm sat on the inland side of the beach while the tide swept the lower side to clear sand.

snow on the beach at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Saturday, February 01, 2025

snow before cold

A bit of snow greeted me this morning, falling overnight and continuing into the daylight.

There was up to 2 inches on the ground, enough to convince me that walking on Merrimack College roads and sidewalks was better than venturing out on town roads. The temperature is in the mid-20s, warm when you compare it to tonight's forecasted low of 4 degrees.

a tree in the snow

Monday, January 27, 2025


A fading camellia jumped into my camera during last week's visit to the greenhouses of the Lyman Estate in Waltham, MA.

fading camellia

Saturday, January 25, 2025

by the sea

The air was chilly, accompanied by a bit of a breeeze. The tide was retreating as I walked on the northern end of Plum Island this afternoon.

It is always good to spend time by the sea.

retreating tide on the northern end of Plum Island

Friday, January 24, 2025

a greenhouse visit

At the end of January the landscape feels a bit drab.

Today I visited the greenhouses of the Lyman Estate seeking a bit of color. While there were not a lot of flowers in bloom I was still able to get the color fix I needed.


More flowers can be seen in the gallery greenhouse of Lyman Estate :: 2025.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

murals in Salem

Knowing there is snow coming tomorrow with cold following soon after I knew I needed to wander someplace different today. I wanted streets to walk rather than woods because there is still a layer of snow on the ground from last weekend's snowfall.

I chose to walk in Salem, hoping to see some new murals. There was a section of new-to-me murals along with many I have enjoyed in the past.

This mural wrapped the walls of adjoining buildings.

mural in Salem, MA

Click here to see more photos from today's wander.

Monday, January 13, 2025

winter warmth

It felt almost warm today in contrast to past cold days.

Winter warmth and a well-timed low tide supported a coastal walk so I headed to the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge for a walk on the beach. While the beach was clear, the dunes sported a coating of snow acquired during Saturday's storm.

along the beach, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Friday, January 10, 2025

icy reflection

A slightly warmer day today supported wandering with a camera in my hands.

Ponds at Harold Parker State Forest show reflections of trees in ice.

trees reflecting in ice, Harold Parker State Forest

Saturday, January 04, 2025


Brrr... it's cold outside! Yes, I know, it's winter; the temperature definitely matches the season.

Here's a tulip from last spring for a bit of color on this winter day.
