Ah, the weekend. The weather forecast was iffy, but both weekend days turned out to be reasonable given that it still is March. Saturday's riding temperature was in the low 40s, and Sunday's was in the high 40s. I'm remembering, learning the right layers as the warmth creeps upward. I had one layer too many on yesterday... Less and lighter layers today worked really well, although there was a short period of time on today's ride when I was sure I had made a mistake.
Why? When I left the house there were some clouds in the sky, but they weren't dark. But within the first half hour, some very dark gray clouds started to hover over me. What were those droplets of water coming from the sky? Luckily, the rain made just a brief appearance, then allowed me to continue to my target mileage for the day. I didn't do the route that I'd planned though, choosing instead to do multiple shorter loops. I didn't want to be far from home if the rain decided to start in earnest.
I could see an occasional tree sporting buds, but for the most part the trees and plants look like they haven't broken out their spring finery yet. But as I rode through a neighborhood near my home, some beatiful crocus caught my eye. I wasn't riding with my camera today, so I guess I was pretty lucky that the crocus weren't too far from here. Yes, you're right - I finished my ride, and then I absolutely did wander back to visit the flowers with camera in hand.
 | Attempting a close shot of some early crocus, beautifully striped purple & white |
A little further away, still beauties |
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