I woke up this morning to silence, and to a clear blue sky. Some white clouds moved in, the wind made its presence known by howling by my windows, and it stayed for the day. That's absolutely not a complaint though; wind is a happy replacement for the wet and dark gray weather of the past few days.
My bicycle wheels headed to the west at the beginning of my ride. It wasn't the route I thought I'd ride today, but when I was faced with a steady northwest wind, I thought I'd take it in my face on the way out. A little bit of a push from a tailwind felt good as I headed for home. It was good to be back out on the road...
A few miles from home a deer encounter brought a big smile to my face. I was on a relatively quiet road, a road with houses on one side, a cemetary, wooded area, and a farm stand on the other. I was quietly rolling along when a deer darted across the road, disappearing quickly into the woods. Pictures? Ah, no, it happened too fast - so the only photos are those in my head. Beautiful.
 | I really like the clock tower on this old mill building in Lawrence, framed by the steel of the bridge that I was crossing. |
I tried to catch a shot of myself riding by this very nice reflective window, but my timing was a bit off. I guess I'll have to be happy with this somewhat posed picture instead! |
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