Denise Goldberg's blog

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hey! My wish came true

It was a water kind of day today, water in the ground, water from the sky.

Oh! In case you're wondering, I thought Denise could use non-writing day, so I'm going to tell our day's story.

The morning sky was gray, and then suddenly there were patches of blue and streams of light flowing from the edges of the clouds down to the ground. The blue didn't stay very long, but it was nice to see even for a short time.

We started today's wandering by bouncing down the boardwalk at the Salt Creek Interpretive Trail. There's a small creek there, one that usually has water in it. It's the home of some little fish called pupfish, but they didn't show themselves today. We saw water, and we saw reflections. And oh! it was so beautiful.

salt creek

salt creek

We headed back to the south. I thought we were going to wander near Mustard Canyon, but Denise pulled off to the side of the road way before the turnoff. I looked out, and I saw why she stopped. There were more salt flats, and it looked like there was water there too. We jumped across some gravelly stuff, then wandered through trails (well not really trails, but bare white salty rough ground), trying to avoid brushing against the very sharp vegetation. There were more streams of water. I think it was probably very salty, but I didn't taste it, and Denise didn't either. The tufts of vegetation were browny-green, standing out against the white of the salt flats. (I know, I know, I should use actual color names. But I'm a little red dog, and sometimes I need to be creative with words.)

salt and water

salt, vegetation

We wandered near and through Mustard Canyon - fascinated by the mustard-colored rocks - and then we stopped at the Golden Canyon trail. Denise thought we would hike up the canyon, but I knew that she wasn't in a trail kind of mood today. We wandered along the edge of the flat land and the rock formations. And then... there were raindrops! Just a few, but enough to know it was raining. Wow - isn't that cool? We were in a place where it almost never rains, standing in raindrops! We walked a bit more in dry air, and then a light rain started again. Awesome!
You don't remember my wish? It was to stand in the rain in a place that doesn't get rain. And it rained in Death Valley today!
I wonder what tomorrow's weather will bring. This is a really funny place for forecasts. I just jumped over to the National Weather Service page - there's a winter storm warning for elevations above 5000 feet and yet the forecast for Furnace Creek shows that it could be in the high 60s.

We're wandering again tomorrow, searching for new sights, new images.
--- Rover

trail hugging hills