waiting, dreaming
Oh! Denise just asked me to let you know she needs a little more time to decide which photos she will share in her galleries. I've been watching over her shoulder and she is making really good progress. She thinks she should be done already... I told her she is being too hard on herself; we've only been home for just over a week!
The temperature outside this weekend made me think of fall, and fall made me think of visiting Acadia. It's the middle of September now so we'll be home for a short while - then in the middle of October we'll be heading to Acadia for a long weekend. I should have enough time to come up with a list of places in the park where I'd like to wander. I already told Denise we just have to go to the Schoodic Peninsula - I really like jumping around on those big rocks.
I'm so glad there's a new wander coming; it's time to (re-)focus my dreams.
--- Rover
here's a photo of me at Grassi Lakes