Denise Goldberg's blog

Sunday, May 12, 2013

a short day out

The weather wizard's forecast was spot on; my four full days in Maine were gray and wet. I drove here in sunshine and it appears (I hope!) that I'll be playing in sunshine tomorrow. Today was the wettest of the days with bands of heavy rain interspersed with drizzle and sometimes with dry air. No matter... the rain gave me the incentive to find some places to wander.

Somehow I managed to be in the car during the heavy downpours instead of walking with my camera. That was equal parts good luck (in not getting caught out) and learning a little patience, waiting out the very wet spells.

I started my morning with a walk along a part of the closed Park Loop Road. I followed Kebo Street and Harden Farm Road in Bar Harbor to the closed gate at the entry to the park, walking in from there. I didn't have an end point in mind, walking in air that started out dry changing to a bit of drizzle. The heavy rain waited until I was back at the car.

Next I headed to a new to me place that jumped off the map at me this morning, the Indian Point Blagden Preserve. It's a delightful place owned by the Nature Conservancy and nicely open to the public. I walked part of the trails, turning back before reaching the coast. The footing was somewhat slippery in light rain; I didn't want to risk a walk back in a downpour. I walked through a beautiful forest, trails interlaced with tree roots and moss. The predominant color was bright green, simply amazing. The coastal part of the preserve is the home of harbor seals and many winged creatures. I heard the sound of busy woodpeckers as I walked. Again, as I finished my walk and opened the door to my car a heavy downpour started.

The rain grew lighter as I reached Bar Harbor, leaving me enough time for an almost dry walk along the Shore Path. I thought about calling it a day at the end of that walk but then I found myself in the car again. I drove to Schooner Head to do another new-to-me short walk. As soon as I pulled in to the parking area a new band of heavy rain rolled over me. I sat for a bit, then decided to head back to Sieur de Monts again. Walking the boardwalk section of the Jessup Path seemed like a reasonable thing to do in the rain. I started in the rain and then it just stopped. Dry air tempted me to drive back to Schooner Head where I followed a paved trail to the ocean.

It was a good day.

at the Wild Gardens of Acadia
photo by phone, at the Wild Gardens of Acadia