Denise Goldberg's blog

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bugs, bugs, bugs!

Wow - where did all of these little bugs come from?

I had planned a bicycle commute to work today, but when the alarm went off this morning I decided I needed another hour's worth of sleep. Sleep was good, and my bicycle and I went for a ride after work. Sunshine, relative cool, comfortable, a beautiful late afternoon ride.

It was after I got home and saw myself in the mirror that I noticed the little teeny bugs sitting on my (cycling) jersey. Yuck!

I spent a few minutes catching and crushing bugs. (Sorry bugs, I really don't need this type of visit!) And then it was definitely time for a shower. When I ride late in the day I usually hop in the shower to wash off the sweat. Tonight? Not only did I need to wash off the sweat, I needed to wash my hair to make sure that there were no tiny bugs lurking there.

Clean again. Happy...

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