Funny, when I clicked to look at the channel guide on the television last night a message popped up instead telling me that Verizon was upgrading all FiOS customers to have (Internet) upload speed match download speed. I read it, smiled, and ran to my computer.
People are sharing content on the Internet more than ever, a trend that is expected to continue. Starting today (July 21), existing and new Verizon FiOS residential customers will receive upload speeds that match their download speeds, making it easier and faster to share. This speed upgrade is free to current customers, and comes at a time when people are uploading more and more information to the cloud, sharing videos and photos, and video chatting.
Full news release is here.
The link indicated that the upgrades would happen automatically over the next years but that signing up for Verizon's reward program would trigger an immediate upgrade. It's possible that my connection had already been upgraded but I didn't check. I simply logged into the Verizon at http://campaign.verizon.com/myrewardsplus/ and turned the rewards program on. Soon after that I received the message that my service had been upgraded.
When I switched to FiOS I chose the fastest residential service available knowing that I wanted good upload speeds for my photos. That was 75Mbps down and 35Mbps up. Now? Verizon's speedtest shows my service at 75Mbps up and 75Mbps down, cool!
Thanks Verizon!