from mist to sunshine
Denise woke up really early this morning, at 5 AM. Wow! I made sure she didn't fall back to sleep since I really wanted to bounce along the water somewhere. I suggested that we head to Fort Foster in Kittery Point, Maine - and Denise said she thought that was a good idea.
The park wasn't open yet when we arrived so Denise parked along the road outside of the gate (that's where she parks for off-season visits to the park). Denise had to duck under that gate but I could bounce right under it. We stopped so she could take my picture when we got to the water.
There was a kind of a low mist when we first arrived. It burned off pretty quickly; then we could see blue in the sky. There were other people walking, lots of dogs too. I think everyone really likes this park.
It was a nice morning to walk by the sea.
There are more photos available in the gallery South coastal Maine - 2013 starting with this photo and ending here.
--- Rover