a quarry and the ocean
Oh! Yesterday I convinced Denise we should head to Rockport to wander at Halibut Point State Park. It's funny, the park isn't that far away but it's in a location where it makes more sense (to Denise, at least) to use little roads to get there instead of highways. We discovered that while taking highways to get there is a little further than using the little roads, it actually takes the same amount of time. We usually take the little roads.
It was a day when the blue sky was decorated with white clouds. When we walked in to the quarry we found that it was a good reflection day. Denise even took a photo of me standing on the edge of the quarry (in front of the wonderful reflection).
We followed the path around the quarry and then headed downhill towards the ocean. I had a good time jumping on the rocks by the coast. Denise was careful to put her feet only on dry rocks because she thought the wet ones might be slippery. I wasn't as careful because I'm closer to the ground than she is so I figured if I slipped I wouldn't fall too far. No slipping though...
It was a very good wander!
--- Rover
Denise told me I should let you know where to find more photos from yesterday's wander. They are in a gallery named Halibut Point - 2013, starting here and ending with this photo.