top photos :: 2018
As the calendar fades to the end of the year it's time for me to wander through the photos that I've published in 2018 to find my favorites. It's always an interesting exercise.
From the beginning of the year, here are my selections.
looking north

on the beach at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

a splash of color
inland waters

looking to Plum Island

a Rudbeckia hirta
quiet waters

on the beach at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

gloriosa daisy
fallen leaf

on a wet autumn day
in the woods

a fallen tree, a mushroom, and moss

showing the beauty of a chrysanthemum

flowers opening
a pop of red

berries in snow and wet

a malachite butterfly
These photos are collected into the gallery top photos :: 2018. If you'd like to see larger versions of the photos or you would like to view them as a full screen slideshow, click here to jump to the gallery.