to Parker River
As I drove past the entry station at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge this afternoon a sign caught my eye.
While I would have been happy to trespass by walking in on the beach if the gates had been closed, I'm glad the entry was not blocked.Where public access to refuge lands does not require the presence of a federal employee or contractor, activities on refuge lands will be allowed to continue on the same terms as before the appropriations lapse. Any entry onto Refuge System property during this period of federal government shutdown is at the visitor's sole risk.
It was an hour before high tide when I arrived in the refuge. My preference is to walk the beach as the tide is going out since it leaves a wonderfully smooth walking surface, but sometimes the timing of my visit doesn't coincide with outbound tides. Today it was a bit of a challenge to keep my feet dry - and with the temperature in the low 30s, that was important! I walked close to the water's edge, keeping an eye on the inbound waves, moving quickly when the water intruded.
I feel a sense of peace as I walk by the ocean.