Mind wandering...
...remembering, sorrow and smiles, memories, a life ended too soon.
Neal, you've been gone for six weeks now. It feels like yesterday, yet if feels like forever too. And you know what? You may not be here (in person), but you're here. You're still in my thoughts; I think that you always will be.
I look up to see a picture of you flash across the corner of my (computer) screen. Funny stories wander through my head, childhood memories... I think of the love pouring out from you and to you from so many people. I think of your children and the memories of you that I'm sure that they treasure. I try not to think of the pain you experienced for too long, and I feel sorrow at the thought that the only way that the pain was removed was death. I wish that you were here, yet I'm so glad that your pain is gone.
I think of you often. You're not here (physically), but you're with me. I remember...