up the coast
Denise has had Acadia on her mind lately. She was thinking about a wander there during the second half of October but she seemed to be having trouble deciding on a date. I jumped in to help when she was almost scared off by what looks like a very rainy day this coming Wednesday. It appears there will be drier days surrounding the wet one so I convinced her to head up the coast for a few days this week.
I'm looking forward to wandering in Acadia National Park in both wet and dry conditions. My traveling buddy Blue & I can hide in Denise's camera backpack if it's too wet out; it keeps the camera dry so it keeps us dry too. I hope we have some good times for bouncing on the rocks along the coast - that's so much fun!
Oh! Maybe some of you don't know me. My name is Rover; I'm a little red dog who travels with Denise. I help by writing in Denise's blog while we are traveling.
--- Rover