underground at Ink Block
The morning of the 4th of July holiday felt like a good time to head into Boston for a bit of photo play. My destination was Underground at Ink Block, an eight acre underpass that the Ink Block developers transformed into an urban park two years ago
I visited back in 2017 when the first set of murals went on the walls. Last week 8 artists were hard at work placing new creations on the bridge structure. I toyed with the idea of visiting last weekend but instead of visiting when there was a celebration party going on I thought I'd prefer a quieter day. Saturday would have provided opportunities for people photos but yesterday I was able to enjoy the murals without any distraction.
I have to admit that I found trying to frame shots of murals in a constrained space to be a bit challenging! The mural below on a bridge support was a bit easier for me since there was space in the park to back away from the structure.