It's mid-May. That must mean it's time for a visit to Acadia National Park.
I will introduce myself in case we haven't met before. My name is Rover; I'm a little red dog who travels with Denise. While she focuses on absorbing the landscape and trying to capture it with her camera, I help by writing blog entries for both of us. I try to remember to sign my name but if I forget you can always tell it's me writing because I always use slanty text.
It's been a while since I posted in Denise's blog... I figured I'd better practice before we leave home.
I've been keeping an eye on the weather forecast for Downeast Maine, hoping for some non-rainy days with a reasonable temperature for walking. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and cold but the weather wizard says that there may be improvement later in the week. I told Denise to cross her fingers for better weather because we are going!
--- Rover