Someone referred me to the website Forks Over Knives a while ago. It's a site focusing on a plant-based diet, offering recipes as well as articles and some fee-based courses / planners. I wandered through the recipes when I first connected with the site, bookmarking it for future reference.
Last week I tried my first recipe from there, a split pea & cauliflower soup. It was interesting; while the split peas were softening (cooking!) it said to "sweat the vegetables... until the cauliflower starts to brown and the onions become translucent". The term was explained, and the directions were quite clear.
The soup was tasty! I know I will be playing with more recipes from Forks Over Knives; I need to decide which recipe is my next target.
If you're interested in trying the split pea & cauliflower soup, click to the recipe.

photo courtesy of Forks Over Knives