Denise Goldberg's blog

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Yesterday was gray, very wet, and chilly. Today I was lucky. A foggy cool morning greeted me, but the sky cleared very nicely (by mid-afternoon) and a bit of warmth returned. I noticed yesterday that the colors are beginning to pop, and my camera was calling to me.

I started by hiking Holt Hill, thinking that I might see some color from there. Some individual trees were wearing bright leaves, but most were still green.

My next stop was Harold Parker State Forest to walk by one of the large ponds. (If I lived anywhere but Massachusetts I'm sure I would be referring to this body of water as a lake, but here? It's a pond.) My timing was perfect. The sky was a clear blue, decorated with pure white clouds. The water was calm, and the light was right to show reflections of the changing trees in the water. Beautiful.

reflections in a pond