Denise Goldberg's blog

Monday, May 13, 2024

trolls in the garden

Today I visited the trolls at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. It's a bit of a haul for an out-and-back visit but I needed a change of pace.

Five giant trolls are scattered across the property, created by Danish artist Thomas Dambo. They seem to be quite friendly.

This is Soren, who sticks up for the BRANCHES of the tree.

A description of him from a sign in the garden:

Soren is a very curious troll; his head is always turning and twisting, searching for places ever higher. He dreams about drifting around on a cloud in the sky, and when the wind is blowing, he loves to celebrate with a dance.

Soren, who sticks up for the BRANCHES of the tree

If you'd like to visit the trolls yourself you can find information here.