driving & stopping
I feel like we were in the car for a long time today. Luckily Denise didn't get tired of driving!
We visited a friend in Yarmouth, Maine last night so we were a little closer to our destination than we would have been from home. We drove on the highway at the beginning but we jumped onto smaller roads that headed towards the coast just after we hit Augusta. We wanted to see the colors and Denise wanted to be able to stop to look around.
There were places where the colors appeared to be at peak and others where the leaves were already gone. And some trees were still wearing a lot of green. Hmm...
We stopped at the Penobscot Narrows Bridge for a bit. That didn't surprise me since Denise always seems to be fascinated by bridges. This one is a narrow (only two lanes wide) cable-stayed bridge; it's very pretty. (Oh! is that an OK word to use to describe a bridge?)
Next we decided to visit Stonington. It's on Deer Isle at the tip of the peninsula between Bucksport and Ellsworth. The coast of Maine is very jagged and the roads aren't too straight. It seemed like it took a long time to get to Stonington - probably because of the windy and narrow roads - but I think it was worth the drive. Walking around the town along the edge of the harbor was fun.
After our walk we continued on to Bar Harbor. Evin greeted us when we arrived at the Holland Inn, our home away from home for the next few days.
--- Rover