sculpture in the woods
Yesterday it felt like a good day for a visit to Andres Institute of Art.
At Andres Institute of Art, we bring art to our community by making the experience of art an everyday relationship. Our purpose is to underline the interface of nature and culture in order to bring the visitor into a closer, and perhaps more comfortable relationship with the works of art. Both the location and the environment of Andres Institute give us the opportunity to continue to build a place in which individuals may experience art and nature in tandem. By placing sculpture within nature’s framework of trees, boulders, critters and mushrooms, viewers are free to consider the undercurrents of the inherently beautiful art form nature has to offer along with each piece of art work. The untouched quality of the Institutes’s 140 acres furthers the experience of a personal connection with nature.
from the Andres Institute of Art web site
I spent a couple of hours walking, following the signs indicating "sculpture trail", hoping that eventually I would end up back in the parking lot. I'm sure I missed entire sections of the park; certainly a future visit is needed!
I saw new-to-me sculptures as well as many that I saw when I visited last year. My favorite of the day matches my favorite last year, a wonderful piece that has been in place for the last 15 years.

Enjoying the Stars by Alexander Molev, Russia (2002)
More photos from yesterday's visit are in the gallery Andres Institute of Art :: 2017.