Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
cool, wet
The weekend was cool and wet. I walked in the rain this morning but when the sky seemed to be clearing in mid-afternoon I headed out walking. I was on a search for flowers.
The air occasionally filled with tiny droplet of water, remaining reasonably dry as I wandered the grounds of The Stevens-Coolidge Place. I found a few tulips about to open, some clumps of daffodils standing tall.
Just after I started home it started raining (again). I stopped to pull out the rain cover for my camera bag and to pull the hood of my rain jacket up over my head. By the time I arrived at home the rain had almost stopped.
A few hours later... I just peeked out the window to see if the sound I'm hearing is rain. It is.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:33 PM
Saturday, April 26, 2014
early tulip
The daffodils are in full bloom and the tulips are starting to show color. Yesterday I found an early tulip in white with a background of yellow contributed by the daffodils.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
11:36 AM
Friday, April 25, 2014
a mystery flower
It's a mystery flower, in white tipped with red. It must be something butterflies enjoy since I found it at Magic Wings last weekend.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:02 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
upside down
Do butterflies have sticky feet? I find it fascinating that they seem to like standing upside down, hanging from leaves.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:40 AM
Sunday, April 20, 2014
flitter, flutter, fly
This morning felt like it was a good time to feed my desire for color and warmth. It was still pretty nippy outside when I started driving to the west, heading for the Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory.
As soon as I walked into the warmth of the conservatory I saw butterflies in the air, flying, resting, posing, sharing their beauty. I wandered, camera in hand, sometimes capturing photos, sometimes just standing and watching.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
7:12 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2014
I must have flowers
I think Claude Monet said this for me: "I must have flowers, always, and always.". That's how I feel right now - I need flowers and I need bright colors.
I headed to The Stevens-CoolidgePlace this morning to see the current selection of flowers in bloom. I found glory-of-the-snow, crocus, and daffodils scattered through the grass, then greenhouse-sheltered color pulled me inside for a few minutes to enjoy a bit of bright pink.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
1:34 PM
Friday, April 18, 2014
crocus in the grass
A glimpse of flowers, crocus scattered across a grassy hill...
at Maudslay State Park, Newburyport, MA
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:13 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2014
downward-facing daff
Looking at this daffodil brought to mind the yoga pose downward-facing dog. Instead of a person it's a daffodil practicing yoga, a downward-facing daffodil!
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
7:35 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
snow in April
Lest we get complacent with warmer days, the weather wizard has gifted us with a little bit of snow this morning. It was just enough to remind us that while the calendar says it is spring, the season is lagging.
Brr... from warm temperatures early in the week we're back to the freezing mark once again.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:35 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2014
I keep seeing these tiny blue and white flowers scattered about, in gardens, in the grass.
I went looking for a name and found that they are known as "glory-of-the-snow" (with a proper name of Chionodoxa). It's a flower that blooms early in the spring. So beautiful...
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
11:10 AM
at the airport
Hmm... why is it that happenings like this don't grace the airports that I pass through?
This is pure fun, a flash mob at the Shannon Airport by students from the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
10:49 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2014
early flowers
I headed to Maudslay State Park this morning to see if any flowers graced the landscape. I found some early color in the form of crocus and glory-of-the-snow, plus a bit of green and white on a hillside full of snow drops.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
2:54 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2014
curved and patterned
I'm fascinated by the exquisite detail found in orchids. The blooms sit nicely on a curved stalk, the petals of the flower wear wonderful colors with an overlying pattern that looks as if it was (deliberately) painted.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:54 AM
a beach walk
A beach is made for walking.
As the tide changed and water receded (on a day in mid-March) I shared Crane Beach with people and horses, enjoying the quiet, the water, reflections.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:52 AM
Monday, April 07, 2014
I stood transfixed when I first entered the (second) greenhouse at Lyman Estate; it serves as a home for bougainvillea. The flowers were bright pink, drawing my eye, bringing a smile. I found it interesting that when I looked closely at the blossoms there was a vein structure that looks (to me) like a leaf.
There was bright pink high in the tree, and there were fallen blossoms cradled by other plants.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:19 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2014
rabbit standing
I was a bit surprised to be greeted by a very tall rabbit as I walked down a street in Portsmouth, NH this afternoon.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
3:06 PM
shades of blue
The sky wore pure blue. The wind was strong, whipping the water and cooling the air.
looking inland, along the New Hampshire coast
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
3:03 PM
Saturday, April 05, 2014
seeking color
My eyes were craving color as I greeted today's gray and cool morning. In the hopes of finding a greenhouse filled with flowers I did a quick search. Ah, there's one! Today I discovered the greenhouses of the Lyman Estate in Waltham, MA.
Only 3 of the 4 greenhouses were open today, but that was enough to allow me to satisfy my color needs."The Lyman Estate Greenhouses are among the oldest surviving greenhouses in the United States. The complex of four greenhouses consists of an 1804 grape house, 1820 camellia house, 1840 orchid house, and a 1930 sales greenhouse where visitors can purchase plants to take home."
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
4:32 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2014
fixed! fast
I was delighted to receive a fixed lens today.
At the end of the 2nd day in Arizona one of my (camera) lenses stopped working. When I clicked the shutter the camera showed "Err 1". The message suggested that I clean the lens contacts. Hmm... I tried that. Afterwards I could take a single photo; the error reappeared on the next one. The other lenses I had with me continued to work so I was sure it was the lens and not the camera. I used the other lenses for the rest of my wanders in Arizona but I knew I needed to get the misbehaving lens fixed quickly. The problem lens was a 24-105L - a lens I knew I would want in my hands as the spring flowers start to emerge.
I had let my Canon Professional Services (CPS) membership lapse. I called to see how long it would take to reactivate and I was told it would take a day to have all of their systems update. Given the expedited and discounted repairs available through the program I decided to renew my CPS Gold membership.
I packed up the lens and shipped it to Canon on Monday. UPS Ground service between here and the repair center in New Jersey takes just one day so Canon had the misbehaving lens in their hands by Tuesday. Today I received my fixed lens. And yes, the first thing I did when I got home was to head out to verify that the lens is fixed. It is, and I'm happy.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
8:10 PM
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
photos! Arizona
Photos from my wanders in Arizona are loaded into galleries, ready for viewing. Start with the top level gallery, Arizona 2014-03, or click on the photos below to enter a specific gallery.
red rocks, Sedona:
butterfly morning:
Interested in words? You can find my ramblings in the blog entries tagged Arizona 2014-03.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:21 AM
Labels: Arizona 2014-03
Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Looking at butterflies that have recently emerged from their chrysalids is very interesting.
Based on the pattern on the wings and the statement on the Butterfly Wonderland site that "The Blue Morpho chrysalids are pale-green or jade-green and emits a repulsive, ultrasonic sound when touched" I wonder if this is a Blue Morpho with colors yet to emerge. That's an interesting butterfly with bright blue wing tops and a patterned shades of brown underneath.
Posted by
Denise Goldberg
6:19 AM
Labels: Arizona 2014-03