Denise Goldberg's blog

Thursday, September 12, 2024

outdoor sculpture at Maudslay

I visited the outdoor sculpture at Maudslay exhibit on Monday, wandering and looking.

This year's theme is "Threads".

Crochet Variations of a Mobius Twist

To see more of the sculptures click here to visit the photo gallery outdoor sculpture at Maudslay :: 2024.

Monday, September 09, 2024


A large section of the garden at the Stevens-Coolidge House & Gardens is filled with dahlias that bloom in late summer / early fall. I chose the last hour of sunlight on Saturday to wander through the flowers.

The dahlias were delightful, a wonderful mix of colors and shapes.


Click here to wander through the dahlias in the gallery dahlia delight :: 2024.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

a magic morning

Halibut Point State Park was my destination this morning. It's a place I always enjoy but one that seems to take longer to get to based on the mileage.

I'm so glad I visited the amazing beauty there today. I shared space with sea gulls and a few other people.

Halibut Point State Park

Click here to wander through more photos from Halibut Point. The first 28 photos in the gallery are from today's visit; the rest are from a visit in April.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

early color

Meterological fall started four days ago.

The season change has apparently been communicated to the trees in the area. While most of the leaves are still green, a tinge of brown is starting to appear. There are even a few trees wearing colored leaves.

autumn color, maple leaves

Monday, September 02, 2024

late season coneflowers

While it's late in the growing season many flowers continue to wear bright colors. These coneflowers show some harsh and blackened edges, a bit of decay in the petals.
