Denise Goldberg's blog

Sunday, January 25, 2015

to Parker River

This morning I was able to feed my desire for a walk on the beach. Low tide was at 9:10 AM; my initial instinct was to drive early to be at the coast an hour before the tide changed directions. After I checked the weather forecast last night and saw that there was a chance of black ice this morning I thought it might be smart to wait a little longer this morning. Instead of leaving the house at an early hour for a weekend day I waited until just after 9.

When I arrived at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge the sky was bright blue with scattered white clouds. As I stood at the Hellcat Wildlife Observation Area chatting with another visitor I watched as the sky to the north changed in an instant to dark gray. It was quite windy and a bit nippy.

I hopped back into my car to drive back up the road to one of the boardwalks to the beach. Just as I grabbed my camera and started to walk the conditions changed - I was pelted with sleet! I kept walking on the snow-covered boardwalk, heading to the beach.

The sleet eventually stopped leaving a magic sky. Looking north there was blue sky and white clouds. Looking south there was a fair amount of gray. In both directions there was beauty.

looking south, clouds in white and gray
looking to the south

looking north, blue sky with clouds
looking to the north

More photos from today's visit can be seen in the gallery Parker River and... 2015.