Denise Goldberg's blog

Saturday, January 09, 2010


I'm so excited!

I was peeking over Denise's shoulder yesterday as she was busy at the computer. It looked like she was putting together the pieces of a trip. That surprised me since we were in Death Valley just a month ago. I know, I know, she usually does use the cold days of winter to try to figure out places to visit later in the year, but from what I saw she was looking for now.

Oh! we're going to the Big Island of Hawaii. And we're going soon. When? This month!

We're going to bounce across black rocks formed from Pele's lava, and we're going to bounce on beaches that wear special colors. I think (I hope!) we'll be able to play in green sand and in black sand too.

I thought I would try to help a bit, so I just wandered through Denise's stash of maps and books. I pulled out a map of the Big Island and a topo map of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Then I found a copy of the guidebook Hawaii The Big Island Revealed stashed on one of the bookshelves, so I pulled that out too. Oh, you're right - we probably don't really need the guidebook since we'll be spending a good chunk of time in the park. But sometimes it helps to refresh our memory.

I'm so excited! I know, I know, I already said that. But I am (excited, that is!).

--- Rover