Denise Goldberg's blog

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Hey... Rover here! I haven't written in Denise's blog in a long, long time, but I thought I'd do some (practice) writing while Denise is out walking. I need to get back into the habit because we're traveling this weekend and I try to help Denise write her travel stories.

I'm so happy! Denise & I are headed to Acadia for a long weekend. This trip was a long time coming; Denise really needs to get away for a bit.

Oh, before I tell you about our trip, maybe I'd better introduce myself to any new readers. My name is Rover, and I'm a little red dog who travels with Denise. Here's a shot of me on one of our bike wanders along the coast. I'm pretty sure this photo was taken in Maine, and that's where we're headed for our extended weekend.

Oh! And Denise is going to bring one of her baby cameras so I can help take pictures too. After all her big SLR is just too big for me.

We're leaving tomorrow in the late afternoon! I suppose I should offer to help drive, but I think I'll just bounce around and peek through the windows. And then on Friday, we'll get to play along the coast somewhere. We might start our wandering on the west side of Mt. Desert Island, or we might head to the Schoodic Peninsula. Or...

Hmmm... maybe I should help Denise pack her bag. Or maybe I'll just wander around the house and make sure she isn't forgetting something important.

Oh! I can't wait! Until tomorrow...

In case you want to know who wrote each entry - as you read Denise's blog, if you see entries with slanty writing - I wrote that entry. Denise's entries use straight up-and-down writing.