Denise Goldberg's blog

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tired, happy...

Home again... I had a good wander in New Brunswick last week. I even made a quick stop at Acadia National Park on my way home.

But now, I think I need some rest! I usually come home from vacation on Saturday so that I can have a quiet day before heading back to work. Somehow I stuffed too much into the week; I didn't get home until yesterday evening, no rest after play this time.

It was a good trip, and like all good trips it left me with the feeling that I'm not done wandering in New Brunswick. For now, I have some good memories and I hope I have some good photos. I'm just starting to look through the images that my camera captured (with my help, of course). And yes, I'll post a note in my blog when the galleries are complete.