Denise Goldberg's blog

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tea tags

...tea tags or fortune cookies?

Mid-afternoon is a good time for a cup of tea, and this afternoon's choice was Good Earth Original (SWEET & SPICY™ HERB TEA). The company? Good Earth® Teas, based in Santa Cruz, California.

So why does the tag on the tea bag include a saying like a bad fortune cookie?

This afternoon's tea break was accompanied by a laugh, triggered by this tag:

Dignity does not consist in a silk dress.
Wise saying from the Orient
Wise? What language is that? And what is it intended to mean? Yes, the individual words are English, but as a sentence it just doesn't make any sense.

Oh well, at least it made me laugh. One of my co-workers actually questioned whether I really wanted to drink the tea after hearing me read the tag! It was a good cup of tea...